Friday, May 23, 2014

The Foray Continues

A few more digital paintings. As before, I am trying out various painting apps. Some times there are real surprises, such as the monochrome painting. I thought that I would see what the effect of running a B&W photo through the Brushstroke app would be. Total surprise, it turned out to be a very strong image. Who would have thought? All the paintings were edited using Snapseed and Brushstroke with the exception of Early Light, where Waterlouge was used.

Small Stream - TWG

Periwinkle Creek

Early Light - First Lake

Kitchen Light

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Additions to the Chaos

Still working my way through the ins and outs of some of my painting apps. Trying to get a handle on what works for me, and try to settle on one or two apps. You could spend years trying out apps and then there are more coming out weekly. All were shot using the iPod Touch and the Histamatic app. Here are three more paintings:
